I got to thinking about how so many of you are, like I am at this particular moment, grieving over the death of a loved one. It's tough, I know, but we will survive, will one day be back on track. But meanwhile, while our hearts our hurting so much I wanted to remind you (though I know most of you haven't forgotten), how great a GOD we have. It is because of His love, His faithfulness that I'm doing okay. I pray that reading this song will comfort you; will remind you that no matter how difficult the trial we are not experiencing it alone. Jesus is right where He promised to be...right beside us.
Your Love Still Abides With Me
Lord, this day, the clouds all about me
are gray and darken the sun.
I'm trying so hard to be faithful,
but can't let go of the burdens, not one.
Thou hast said, Child, I'll never leave you,
I'm not man that I should lie."
Upon bended knee, Lord, hear me please,
Hear my last words lest I should die.
I thank thee O, God, for sweet Jesus,
For roses, children and the rain,
for the trials that test the man that I am,
they bring me me close to you again.
I'm thanking you now for these burdens,
Heavy Lord, as they may be.
Man's love comes and goes,
as everyone knows, but your love,
Lord abides with me.
Lord, the dark upon me is heavy,
It feels more than I can withstand.
I've tried my best to believe you,
but think them too much for a mere man.
Thou hast promised, "Child, "I'll not leave you.
"I'm not man that I should lie.'
Upon bended knee, Lord, hear me please,
Hear my last words, lest I should die.
I thank thee, O, God for sweet Jesus,
For roses, children, and the rain,
for the trials that test the man that I am,
they bring me close to you again.
I'm thanking you now for these burdens,
heavy as they may be.
Man's love comes and goes, as everyone knows,
but your love still abides with me.